St Pauls Chapel in New York City near ground zero

King James Bible Isaiah 9:10 [on 9/11 attack by Zion & US Govt] We might want to note that the Republic of Texas lasted 9 years & 11 months (Mar 2 1836-Dec 29 1845). The downfall of that republic may have been a sign that a nation of Dixieland was coming in the future.

The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn [smooth] stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.

King James Bible Isaiah 9:11

Therefore the LORD shall set up the adversaries of Rezin [USA] against him, and join [unite] his [USA's] enemies together [after 9/11];

I believe the next major event for America will come in 2015 which is the second seventh year Sabbath from 9/11.The first seventh year Sabbath was in 2008 when the economy collapsed. I also believe a creation of the nation of Dixieland free of the Sins of homosexuality and interracial sex and other. This will allow God to forgive the real Israelites in New Israel(USA)and may help re-unite or reborn the USA.

The First 3 of 9 Harbingers in New Israel (USA): The Three USA Leaders That Defied God

A parallel the 9/11 attack has to events in ancient Israel to make us aware USA is the real Israel more.

Harbinger: the Ancient Mystery that
holds the secret of America's Future

The Stone Of Judgement that was placed on Ground Zero by American leaders and the ancient drama they re-enacted.

The ancient mystery that affected your savings, your bank account, your financial future, and the American and global economy.

The Sign Of The Sycamore and the prophetic revelation it contains concerning Wall Street and the future of America as a superpower. More

The Mystery Of The Erez Tree that was lowered at the corner of Ground Zero in fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy.

The Day a Vice-Presidential Candidate Uttered the ancient proclamation of judgment… on America.

The Mystery Hidden At the Ground of America’s Founding & the prophetic message it contains for this hour.

How The Two Greatest Collapses In Financial History each took place on the exact same day and hour, on the precise year and day ordained from ancient times.

The Prophecy That Was Proclaimed To The World Spoken From Capitol Hill the day after 9/11 - and then came to fulfillment.

And What is Yet To Come .